movie review Kashmir Files


 Hello readers ! Purpose of this blog is about movie review. It is abput the movie "THE KASHMIR FILES". 

The movie is fantastic and very interesting. All the actors and actresses performed well. The movie is based on the life of KASHMIRI PANDIT in Kashmir. They suffered a lot to live there. Their journey was very dangerous. A group of terrorists murdered our protagonist's father. He was trying to hide from them and got killed by them in the box of rise. A terrorist told her wife to eat that Tumul (rise) which were filled with the blood of his husband. For saving the life of her two sons and her father in law she does that. 

They are telling to kashmiri pandit that convert! Leave! Or die!

Kashmir : Heaven Or Hell? 

They killed protagonist's mother and brother. The prof. Whi brainwashed krishna that kashmiri pandit were wrong.

Terrorists killed 21 kashmiri pandit dressed as Indian Army.

They killed his mother from wood cutting machine. 

These are some scenes from the movie which are horrible for us and they had lived it. They saw the murder of they own family member. The movie shows the history of kashmir where terrorist attacked on kashmiri pandit. They tell that leave kashmir or else become muslim. They want to increase their population all over the kashmir. They want to rule over the kashmir. We can see that kashmir is kind of Heaven on the earth but they created it in to the hell


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